Water Pollution in Arizona

Lake Powell AZ
One old resident from Arizona said he walked to the edge of a lake on a boardwalk leading to a small wharf, where a boat was moored. He counted 30 steps since he passed the whereabouts of this wharf … 10 years ago. This lake dries up almost visibly.

Big Lake Powell, an extension of the Colorado River straddling Arizona and Utah, has come down to one-third of its original level. And that’s the least of the problems. The real fear is that 30 million Americans risk losing a war that threatens the future of the entire southwestern United States.

Without the Colorado River, economic development in the southwest would never have occurred, says the Save the Colorado River coalition. Las Vegas would be an unknown village and most of Nevada, Arizona and Utah, vast, soulless deserts. The river has become the most important artery of this region which, writes the Sierra Club, “is drier than the deserts of North Africa”.

Lake Powell is artificial: it is a reservoir – like those of the Hydro-Québec dams – born at the turn of the 1960s when the Glen Canyon Dam was built. The same is true of his twin brother, Lake Mead, born 30 years earlier from the construction of the Hoover Dam near Las Vegas. The gradual drying up of both, in the last decade, results both from an unconsciousness in the face of a river treated as if it were unlimited, and from enormous errors of calculation.

More than a thousand years ago, handfuls of Native Americans cultivated corn in this semi-desert region because they had found the Colorado River there. But today, millions are taking the opportunity to water their lawns, grow fruits and vegetables in the desert, develop suburbs and maintain golf courses – about 150 just in Phoenix, capital of Arizona, and 130 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Local junk removal services are thriving due to the increase in urbanization and all the pollution that comes with it.

The Central Arizona Project, a canal that transports 541 km of river water to the 4 million population of the Phoenix area, is the largest water system in the United States. In the end, the Colorado river is running out of steam, Lake Powell is drying up, and the small wharf at Wahweap Campground where people have been walking has to be moved a little further, year after year.

The Colorado meanders for 2330km: it rises at the summit of the Rockies in the state of Colorado, where it is fed by melting snow, and it flows to Mexico, after crossing, among others, the famous Grand Canyon. Except that since the year 2000, when it reaches the Pacific on the Mexican side, more exactly the Sea of ​​Cortes … it is dry. Everything was pumped. And if the Mexicans are entitled to a party – which allowed them to set up farms and feed the city of Tijuana – it is because of a treaty of 1922 (Colorado River Compact) which defines virtually the drop by the flows that can be taken by the seven US states concerned.

Since 1922, the population has exploded. Las Vegas has sprung up from the desert. Arizona has become the fastest-growing US state-with the influx of retirees from the east coast. And there is agriculture. As a result, more water is pumped into Colorado than the river carries. This is where the miscalculation occured. Lake Mead in 1935, and Lake Powell in 1962, were to serve as a reserve, to compensate for years when the river level would be too low. They used the average precipitation over a decade … and now we see that it was a period of above average precipitation. For 11 years, it has hardly rained.

Lake Powell is down to 30% of its original level, and Lake Mead is at 50%. All around Lake Mead, a huge white ring – of calcium – photographed by visitors to the Hoover Dam, marks the height that the water reached. The level of Lake Mead has come down so low that Las Vegas and Nevada have started building a new pumping system, installed deeper into the lake, because the current system may soon be out in the open. Cost, by 2014: nearly a billion.

Recently Las Vegas experienced a major storm (flash flood), which killed one person, flooded about forty homes and temporarily blocked two highways and the airport. The end of water shortages? Not quite: the storm left … three inches of rain. It was too much of a sudden for the drainage systems, but it would take more to bail out Lake Mead, whose level depends mostly on the snow melt in the Rockies -and a little near tributaries, like the river Virgin.… Read the rest

The Chicago Real Estate Market in 2019

chicago real estate2019 might not be the best for the Chicago real estate market. A forecast by Realtor.com estimates that Chicago might have the worst and the weakest housing market in the United States next year.

The survey says that Chicago might have a decline in the number of homes that are sold in 2019 and in the average prices of homes, among hundreds of metros in the States. The data postulates that the sale of homes in Chicago will fall by 7.4%.

What Forecasts Say

The median sale prices of properties in Chicago is also expected to go down by 1.9%. This is because of the slow population growth in Chicago, coupled with very slow growth in employment opportunities. This in turn, will impact the housing market in a downward manner and the Chicago-Naperville-Elgin Metropolitan Area will be among the worst hit in 2019.

Because mortgage rates are also growing to 5.5 %, home sales in the United States will usually slow down. But this situation will be much graver in Chicago, where home sales will slow down four times more than average when compared to the rest of the nation. Because home prices are also going up by 2.2% in the entire nation, a lot of homes which are located in the Chicago area will also lose about 2% of their values in 2019. Thus it will affect the demand adversely and land values in the Chicago area will go down.

Population and Migration

The poor state of Illinois’ real estate market will roll on to Chicago as well and this will hurt investment in the latter, as far as investment in real estate is concerned. The Chicago area also faced a decline in population in 2018 due to outmigration in large numbers.

This will negatively impact home sales and since the working population in Illinois and Chicago is reduced, it will hinder the growth in home sales and will also affect prices in the latter. A decline in the younger population means that millennials will also not invest in property as much in the Chicago area as expected and thus, this will further drive the market down.

Property Taxes

In Illinois, property taxes are also at an all-time high in comparison to the sale of homes; almost growing 76% faster than home values in Cook County, for instance. This is also spilling over to the Chicago market. Thus, if you are looking to invest in the Chicago real estate sector, please be cautious and exercise your judgment before jumping on to a hasty decision.

Check out the neighborhoods to gauge if they have re-sale value and then decide on a property. If you do not want to pay high property taxes, then it is probably safer to invest in another area.

These forecasts are only meant to be a guide as to how the real estate market might look like in 2019. They are not meant to scare you. Rather, they are meant to help you in making smart investment decisions. … Read the rest

Top Benefits From An Evaporative Cooling System

house renovationEvaporative cooling is considered as one of the most effective cooling approaches in the home or office. These systems work with the help of the evaporation system, where the evaporation of water is used to get the optimum temperature and receive great cooling effect.

Moistened pads or cloths work as a filter, wherein the outside air is pulled and in this way, it allows the water to evaporate. Then the cool air is taken to the area that needs to be cooled. This was the best approach invented in the early 20th century in the areas where the summers were particularly of very dry nature. Even today, many people prefer to go for this system.

So if you are considering to make a renovation in your house, make sure to determine if you should replace your old AC with a new evaporative cooling system. As these devices are quite large, you may need to rent a dumpster to remove the waste. But it the end it is worth it if you want a more enjoyable cleaner home.

Below Are The Some Of The Benefits Experienced By This System.

Installation cost

Installation cost is one of the most crucial things when it comes to getting a cooling system installed in the home. When it comes to the other approaches and systems like window and split air conditioner systems, the cost goes up high because there are many mandates that manufacturers and installers need to follow.

On the other hand, the evaporative cooling cost installation is low and it can be said that it is even less than the half in many cases. As a result, this proves to be an economic option for the people that are low on the budget and still need the best cooling system.

Using green technology

Getting these installed in the home is definitely one of the gifts that you give to the environment. These systems consume almost 90 percent less electricity when compared to an air conditioning system. These systems only use water and air and are completely natural products. On the other hand, there is also no need for any refrigerant that can spoil the atmosphere.

It adds moisture to the air

This is another great feature of the evaporative cooling. This is the reason most of the people opt for this cooling option. In dry climates, most of the people prefer to get the moisture in the air and air conditioning units fail in these areas. This is where the evaporative cooling comes in handy. They provide efficient moisture levels that provide fresh feel to the users.

Cost efficient option

One of the greatest advantages of evaporative cooling is that the running cost is quite low as compared to the other options available in the market. All that you need to spend for is the electricity that is also way too less when compared to the other options. As a result, the overall cost that you spend for these systems comes down to the minimum. So, you can enjoy great cooling results for a nominal price.

Things to Remember

Make sure that you only take the services of the experienced professionals to install these systems. Although, these systems are cost effective, you need to make sure that installation take place perfectly. If you install these in a wrong way then you cannot expect to get the good results. Hiring an experienced installer is the key to getting good results in the future.

There are many ways in which, you can save cost and experience great results via evaporative cooling systems. Therefore, make sure that you find the right one suitable for your home. However, it is best to take professional advice on the suitability in your area and the amount of changes that you need to make in your home. This will help you make informed decision in this regard. As a result, you can experience great results for a long time to come. … Read the rest

Stop Telling Me What To Do!

business conflictAre you tired of being told what to do by your business partner, colleagues, team or associates? Have you ever wondered why some of your business colleagues and associates are so bossy and come across as controlling, while others let you have the freedom to do what you want to do?

A Difference of Style

You have probably noticed that you get along well with some business colleagues, associates and team members. However, there may be others whom you find challenging to relate to because they are different to you. It is these differences in style that can create conflict in our business relationships, and our business success.

When our style is the same as that of our business colleagues, associates and team members, we naturally get along. When our style is different to those of our business colleagues, associates and team members, then there is potential for conflict especially when we are unaware of what drives the difference in style. Rather than thinking that your business associates, colleagues and team members are being controlling or bossy, learn to understand your style and theirs to avoid future conflict.

Differences in style can be driven by many different things and at least by sixty different personality traits. One of these traits relates to how we relate to people in groups, and there are three different styles that a person can have when relating to their business associates, colleagues and team members:

  • Management
  • Team
  • Independent
  • Management Style

A business associate, colleague or team member with this preference will be the one organizing business events and projects. They will be the one initiating projects and events, often delegating tasks to others.

Put two people with this style together in a business and each one will want to take charge rather than do the work ie. two chiefs and no Indians. If there are only management styles in a business, they will all be telling each other what to do and nothing may get done. To avoid conflict, someone in the business will need to take a back seat occasionally, while another person takes charge.

Team Style

People with this preference will rarely lead or take charge of organizing events or business projects. They will tend to follow, enjoy being part of a group and prefer to collaborate and work together as a team.

Put two people of this style together in a business and they may do a lot of collaboration, yet may lack clear direction or outcomes. If everyone in the team or business has this style, there may not be anyone in charge of coordinating an event or project. To avoid conflict, lots of talk with little action or projects going off track, always have someone in charge.

Independent Style

People with this style like to do things on their own and prefer to act independently. They like to work on their own projects rather than things involving other people. They don’t take direction well. When told to do things, they may get annoyed.

If there are two independent styles together in a team or business, they may not spend enough time working together, not see each other or speak that often and be quite happy to do their own thing. Other members of the team or business many find this disinterest in spending time with them as rude or arrogant. To avoid conflict, the independent style person needs to occasionally spend time with the team, and others need to give this person time to be on their own and do their own thing occasionally.

Working With the Differences

It is important to be aware of and to respect the different styles amongst your team, business associates and colleagues. Start to observe their language and behavior and notice which style they prefer when relating to you and others. Then next time you are told what to do by your business associate, colleague or team member, remember it is how they relate to other people. Avoid taking it personally or over reacting to them. Respect the differences in style and notice how this impacts positively on your business relationships and business success. … Read the rest

Resistance or Warm Reception?

googleDo you sometimes feel that your communication flows easily and at other times it is like pulling teeth? Would you like to stop getting resistance to your ideas and suggestions? Instead, imagine getting a warm reception from your prospects, customers, employees, suppliers, referrers and business partners.

A Natural Flow

When there is a natural flow between people in business, they feel totally comfortable expressing their opinions and views with each other, however different those views may be. They freely discuss business problems, ideas, solutions and challenges and feel at ease with each other as they do so.

If you begin a new business relationship in a negative way, you may receive instant resistance upon meeting with a new prospect, customer, supplier, employee or referrer. If you have had a natural flow with existing prospects, customers, employees, suppliers, referrers and business partners, sometimes you can get out of this natural flow with them. This often occurs when too many negative associations or disagreements occur between you over a period of time. Unconsciously, you can link negatives to each other, and the flow that you once felt is there less often or may even disappear after a while.

Instant Rapport

If you feel there is a lack of connection – that the natural flow is missing – between you and your prospects, customers, employees, suppliers, referrers and business partners, it is important to establish that with them prior to your communication with them. When you are in rapport with other people, there is a greater trust and connection between you.

Any ideas or suggestions you make (even if they are different to that of your prospects, customers, employees, suppliers, referrers and business partners) will at least be more easily considered when you have rapport with them. While they may still disagree with you, at least with rapport they will hear you out and consider your perspective, rather than automatically dismiss it or cut you off.

Getting into Rapport

There are several different ways to get into rapport with another person. When you are face to face with another person the best way to get into rapport is to match or mirror their physiology (ie. how they sit or stand). When you do this it is important to be subtle so that it remains out of your prospects’, customers’, employees’, suppliers’, referrers’ and business partner’s conscious awareness.

Here are two simple ways to get into fast rapport:

Match the other person’s breathing: this is the fastest way to establish rapport with another person. Watch and discretely match the location of their breathing (i.e. high chest, mid chest or stomach) and/or the rate of their breathing (i.e. fast, medium or slow); or
Match or mirror the other person’s arms or legs: if your prospect, customer, employee, supplier, referrer and business partner has their arms crossed, you would cross your arms in the same way; if they have their legs crossed, you would cross your legs in the same was as them. Again be subtle when you do this.

Within two minutes of matching or mirroring any of these aspects of the other person’s physiology you will feel a warm feeling of comfort around your stomach area, like an at home feeling with them. When you are feeling comfortable with them, they are also feeling comfortable with you – you are both in rapport with each other.

They will then feel more comfortable to open up and share problems and ideas with you, and will be more receptive to your ideas and hearing you out. Instead of resistance you will get a warm reception from them. Notice how with greater rapport your business relationships become even stronger.… Read the rest

Stop Conflict and Create Harmony in Business

harmony in businessWhen was the last time you had a disagreement, misunderstanding or conflict with your customer, prospect, business partner, colleague, employees or supplier? Do you find yourself getting stressed, frustrated, angry, upset or anxious when you communicate with other people in business?

Why is effective communication so important?

Effective communication improves harmony between the business owner and their customers, prospects, business partners, colleagues, employees and suppliers, and creates greater synergy in any business relationship. In addition, effective communication reduces errors, rework and blame, and helps us to be more productive. Research has also shown that anytime we have a pleasant experience it increases our immune system, while an unpleasant experience can reduce our immune system.

So by making our communication more pleasant without stress, anxiety, frustration, hurt or anger, we are also having a positive impact on our productivity as well as our health and overall well-being. Like taking turmeric for pain, making such efforts will also reduce our mental pain at work.

Below is a simple and effective communication technique that will assist you with clearly communicating your message to your customers, prospects, business partners, colleagues, employees and suppliers.

Respecting the Differences

Often when we speak with our customers, prospects, business partners, colleagues, employees and suppliers we find ourselves saying the same thing, only in a different way because we use different words. By understanding the different personalities in your business relationships with other people, you can stop conflict and create harmony instead. One simple and effective way to achieve this is to understand how your customers, prospects, business partners, colleagues, employees and suppliers communicate.

There are four different styles of communication: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic and Auditory Digital. While most people use a combination of all these communication styles, each person has a preference for one or two styles over the others. Importantly, each communication style has its own language.

Words that appeal to people with a:

  • visual preference include: see, look, show and imagine
  • auditory preference include: hear, listen, sounds and discuss
  • kinesthetic preference include: feel, touch, hold and grasp
  • auditory digital preference include: think, study, learn and process.

Avoiding Conflict

Conflict often occurs when people use their own preferences when communicating, and when the preferences of the two people are different. For example, if one person uses Auditory digital words (think, study, learn) and the other person uses kinesthetic words (feel, touch, hold). The person with an auditory digital preference may complain that the person with a kinesthetic preference takes too long to express their feelings, and may wish that they just get to the point quickly.

The person with a kinesthetic preference may complain that the other person never makes time to connect with them and their feelings, and may, as a result, feel left out, neglected or disconnected. This could result in the person with a kinaesthetic preference withdrawing their business connection, and could sour the business relationship. In turn, this could spiral into a dis-empowering dynamic between the two people, and all because of a difference of communication style.

Creating Harmony

In any business relationship, when you tailor the words you use to match your customer’s, prospect’s, business partner’s, colleague’s, employee’s and supplier’s preferred communication style, this will greatly assist them to clearly see, easily get in touch with and understand what you are saying and will help to avoid disagreements.

The best way to create harmony is to really listen to the words your customers, prospects, business partners, colleagues, employees and suppliers use. Really pay attention to their language and notice the words they are using. Then use the same words back in your reply to them.

Imagine really listening to your customers, prospects, business partners, colleagues, employees and suppliers from now on and using their style when communicating with them. Notice the difference this will make to your communication, your business relationships and to your business.… Read the rest

Is Your Business Out of Control?

Are you clear about your business vision, direction and goals? Is fear, second guessing and over analysis holding you back from taking action for your business? Do you wish you could regain control of your business?

Risky Business
While there are many possible risks in business, the biggest risk to your business success might be you and your lack of:

Clear vision, direction and goals
Effective people, communication, leadership and delegation skills
Trust and follow through on your decisions and commitments
Self-belief and persistence in the face of challenges
Effective self-promotion, relationship building and networking skills
Consistency in having and following systems and processes for business success
Control over your emotions – instead overreacting with anger, fear, hurt, guilt, resentment, betrayal, etc.
Consistent focus on what you want – instead being overly anxious and worried
Effective business habits – instead bad habits such as procrastination, being disorganised, etc.
From my 30 plus years of business experience I noticed a consistent theme. Despite a business having the best systems, best practice processes, latest gadgets, office set-up, etc, there is one thing critical to ensuring that these are used effectively for business success…… people! The more effective people’s behaviour is in using all the resources in the business, the more successful the business. You and your people are your business. Therefore, you need to have trust and solid business relationships with your employees, customers, colleagues, suppliers, partners, etc.

Whom/What Are Your Controlling?
If you are feeling out of control in business, think about whom or what are you seeking to control? Some people who feel out of control themselves, unconsciously seek to control other people. For example, by playing a victim role, getting angry, bullying, creating dramas, buying gifts, etc, they unconsciously create a dynamic where they are in control in that professional relationship. Other people who feel out of control, unconsciously seek to control things and their environment. For example, not delegating effectively, withholding information, overeating, drinking too much, etc.

At the end of the day, these people are ultimately not in control of themselves. That is the real issue. Until that is addressed, they will keep creating the same dynamics with people, things and their business and personal environment.

Control versus Influence
You are personally responsible for four things: how you think, how you feel, how you act and how you influence others. Other people are also responsible for four things: how they think, how they feel, how they act and how they influence you and others.

When you start to focus on how you can control what others say, think and do, you are focusing on what is beyond your control. Because this is beyond your control and if you seek to control it, you may feel frustrated or angry about the situation eg. sitting in bumper to bumper traffic and being unable to control the traffic or being frustrated by your colleague’s behaviour and being unable to change it.

Instead, focus on what you can control – changing your thoughts, feelings, actions and communication with other people. How could you take more charge of how you think, feel and act so that you are happier and more fulfilled in business and in life? How can you improve your communication and avoid misunderstandings and conflict? How can you treat people so that they treat you the same way in return?

Regaining Control
The first thing to realise is that people who trust themselves, trust others and the flow of business and life. Therefore, they find no need to control other people and situations. It is only people who have trust issues that feel the need to control others and situations. These people need to learn to trust themselves first in order to trust others. Trusting yourself is the key to business success and all highly successful business people trust themselves.

Focus on you and taking charge of how you think, feel and act so you regain control of your behaviour and your business. Address past emotions, limiting beliefs and internal conflicts, so that you stop sabotaging your business success and so that you fully trust yourself and your decisions. Also learn more effective communication and leadership skills to better inspire, motivate and empower others to perform at their best. Then watch your and your team’s performance and business thrive!… Read the rest

From Employment to Self Employment: Making a Smooth Transition

Would you like to start the business you have always wanted? Are you ready to share your wealth of knowledge and experience with others, while running a successful business?

We all have dreams and passions, including being our own boss, yet very few people have the courage to pursue them. Their fears, self doubts and lack of belief in their ability to generate a secure income usually prevent them from pursuing their dream of running their own business. In this article, you will discover the 7 steps that you can now take to smoothly transition from employment to your dream of running your own business.

1. Step out of your comfort zone

Regardless of how successful you are, after a while wherever you are personally and professionally, it becomes your comfort zone. The comfort zone is called a comfort zone because it is comfortable. We get used to living life in a certain way and, unless something dramatic happens to propel us out of the comfort zone, we continue ploughing along because it is what we know, what we are used to. To step out of it can be daunting or uncertain.

To reap even greater rewards in life, we need to trust ourselves to take calculated risks, to step out of our comfort zone and to back our own decisions.

2. Risk is a perception

Risk is a perception. I remember when I decided to leave corporate life after 13 years of a high paying secure income. People asked me “Aren’t you taking a risk?”. My reply, “what is the bigger risk, staying in a job where you are unfulfilled and spending the rest of your life doing something you are unhappy about only to have regrets at the end of your life, or pursuing something that you really want to do, waking up feeling excited and creating the life you want to live?”
The biggest risk in business and in life is not backing yourself enough, not having enough self belief, not taking action that will lead to your success. It is only fear and self doubt that increases the risk because then we second guess our decisions, question everything, delay action, etc – this is where the real risk to sabotaging our success lies.

3. Shift your thinking

I have seen potentially highly successful businesses struggle because of the business owner – he/she is often their worst saboteur. Ensure that you address your fears, self doubts, negative self talk and sabotaging behaviours (eg. procrastination) before you start your business. This way you will be best placed to succeed.
I have studied numerous highly successful business owners and entrepreneurs and they all have one thing in common – enormous self belief! It is that self belief that allows them to bounce back even stronger and more determined after each rejection or challenge.

4. Acquire People Skills

When people like each other, they do business together. As a business owner, you will need to know what makes other people tick, how to successfully interact with prospects, convert them into customers and nurture that relationship for life (or for as long as you want them to be your customer).
People skills are also important when leading, motivating and inspiring your employees, suppliers, business partners, referrers, alliance partners, investors, etc. The sooner you develop these skills, the sooner you will reap the rewards of a successful business.

5. Learn to Love Promoting Yourself

Many business owners are poor at promoting themselves and their business, so they keep themselves busy in their office working on plans, administration, systems, etc rather than getting out and talking to prospects and customers. The most successful business owners are very comfortable with promoting themselves and their business.
While some of them are naturally introverted and shy, they learn how to enjoy being around people and how to promote themselves effectively (and with integrity). If you fear rejection or getting a no, it is critical that you address these fears as this is the major reason preventing business owners from turning leads and prospects into clients.

6. Surround Yourself with Fans

I still remember the day I resigned from corporate life – I sent an email to hundreds of people I knew in the organisation to let them know that I was leaving to start my own business. Within 24 hours I received replies from most of those people. Around half were really positive, expressing their excitement and support and congratulating me. Meanwhile, the other half replied with negativity and “rained on my parade”. By the end of the day, my head was spinning and I was wondering whether I had done the right thing. I started to doubt and question my decision to resign.
This was a real test of my commitment to my decision. At that point, I decided to never again surround myself with negative people, only fans. Look at the people that you surround yourself with, are they supporters of your dreams or not?

7. Action Your Plan

Create a five year business vision and make it so compelling that it drives you to transition. This will keep you focused, it will help you overcome any obstacles that arise and will make your remaining time in employment easier. Without a clear business vision and goals, simply dreaming of one day being in your own business, will be insufficient to drive and motivate you. Also have a business and a marketing plan, which will give you focus and also ensure that you have done your homework to increase your chances of success.

Imagine how quickly you could start pursuing your dream of having your own business by implementing the above steps!… Read the rest